Thursday, October 25, 2012

Turning the Camera on Myself

Inspired by the article The Faces Behind the Lens: Famous Photographers Become Subject as They Display Their Most Celebrated Pictures , I turned the camera on myself to reenact and share with you a personal favorite of my own.

"This is probably my favorite image of all times.  My babies were little and they were so difficult to wrangle that day.  My Mom had helped me and we were so worried about Nolan's nose running and Georgia's hair flying in her face.  This sweet shot wasn't really sweet when we took it...Georgia was checking to see if Nolan's nose was going to get near her face and Nolan was wondering if he could pull Georgia's hair.   WAHLAH...a Christmas miracle."  - Joylyn

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Barn Sale...this weekend!

Hi All...most of you know my friends Carolyn and Bud...they are possibly the most generous people you will ever meet! Their barn has been the backdrop to MANY photo shoots over the years. This weekend Carolyn decided to dust bring out some stuff from the barn and have a sale. I got a sneak peak and well, let's just say I needed a truck to get home! Details: A huge barn filled with painted and refinished furniture (mostly name brands), accessories and other goodies. No clothes or children's items. Bring measurements, and oversized vehicle and girlfriends. "One of a kind". 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Oct. 5 and 6, 10 to 2 on Oct. 7th. 38376 W. Colonial Highway, Hamilton, Va. Head for the red barn at the end of the driveway