Friday, March 1, 2013

Summer Photography Camp-July 28- Aug 1, 2014

So excited to do summer camp again this year!  Last year I was thrilled to see the amazing results by the end of the week.  This class is for beginners and those that are a bit more advanced.  

TEEN CAMP! July 28-Aug 1
$200 (includes all materials)
Calling all Middle Schoolers and rising 9th Graders!!
As many of you know I used to teach middle school Langauage Arts. I truly love this age group! This summer I'm offering a one week camp for middle schoolers (rising 6th graders through rising freshmen). Each day campers will meet in Leesburg at our "training camp" to go over basics of photography. Students will be given daily assignments and will be shooting throughout the town of Leesburg. This is going to be fun for all! Camp days go from 9-1pm each day. Campers can bring a packed lunch or buy something at one of the local restaurants. On Friday our class will have a "show" from their week's assignments. No need to have large cameras, point and shoots work great too!  Camp costs $200 (all materials are covered).  Class size is limited.  

Below are some of the amazing images shot by students last year!